PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM ^FILE = "PCF_0062_V01.CFG" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2005-05-26 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII NOTE = " The ASCII file pointed to by this PDS label is the configuration file that was used by the Cassini Radar preprocessor and SAR processor to create the SBDR, LBDR, and BIDR products on this PDS volume. On this volume, the configuration file has been installed in the directory CALIB/CONFIG. Configuration files are named PCF_####_Vnn.CFG, where '####' is the observation (data take) number, expressed as a four-digit number left-padded with zeroes, and 'nn' is the two-digit version number of the file. The version number is assigned by the Cassini Radar I/O team. A single file contains both the preprocessor and the SAR processor parameters. Typically, only one configuration file will be delivered with each volume. All configuration files are variable record-length text files that are designed for easy readability and manual editing. By convention, the first line of the file contains the characters '#! ' followed by the name of the system master configuration file, which serves as a source of documentation (comment lines) for each parameter. Each of the remaining lines is either a keyword-value record, a comment, or a blank line. All lines are terminated by a newline character. Keyword-value records may be listed in any sequence within the file but are usually organized by function for easier use. A keyword-value record has the format [units] where is the name of a parameter; by convention, keywords are composed of alphanumeric characters and underscores and are treated as case-sensitive by the preprocessor and SAR processor. is the value of the parameter; a value can be numeric (integer or real) or string. Only scalar values are currently supported. [units] are the units for the parameter, if applicable. Each field is separated by at least one space. Consequently, neither keywords nor values may contain spaces. Brief descriptions of each parameter are included in the comments within the file. A line beginning with the character '%' is a user-defined comment. A line beginning with the character '#' is a comment that has been inserted from the master configuration file. Blank lines are ignored by the preprocessor and SAR processor. " END_OBJECT = TEXT END